The Maternal Health program includes providing pregnant and post-partum women with the following services:
Ensure early and adequate prenatal care
- Assess health insurance needs and assist with Medicaid presumptive eligibility
- Provide care coordination to link pregnant women to a medical home, follow up on appointments and send appointment reminders.
- Transportation assistance
- Education on the importance of prenatal care
- Promote flu vaccines and Tdap vaccines.
Early identification of risk factors or symptoms that need referral to health care providers.
- Health screening for depression, tobacco/substance abuse
- Breastfeeding education and support
- Signs of preterm labor
- Signs of high blood pressure and preeclampsia
- Social assessment and guidance provided by social worker or RN
- Oral health screening by a RN or RDH and assistance with finding a dentist
- Postpartum assessment of Mom and baby done in the home or in clinic by a RN
Promote healthy lifestyle choices
- Avoid alcohol, tobacco substance abuse
- Choosing healthy foods and staying active during pregnancy
- Reducing stress
- Seat belt use
- Shaken baby syndrome prevention
- Safe sleep environment for their infant
- Wait for labor avoid and elective delivery prior to 39 weeks
- Promote healthy birth spacing and reduce unintended pregnancies
Integrate domestic and sexual violence and coercion prevention into services provided.
Maternal Health Project Director: Katy Gottschalk
Phone: 641-682-8784 or 1-800-452-1098