Client Rights
Client’s rights and responsibilities were established with the expectation that observance of these rights will contribute to more effective client care and greater satisfaction for the client, family, and organization. Client’s rights and responsibilities are provided at initial contact with AHFA. If a client is deemed incapacitated by court all efforts will be made to provide the client’s rights to a parent or legal guardian. Clients shall have the following rights without regard to age, race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, culture, physical disability, and personal values or beliefs systems.
- Clients shall expect full recognition of individuality, including privacy in treatment and care, with confidentiality kept in regards to all communications and records.
- Clients shall have the right to privacy.
- Clients shall have the right to religion.
- Clients shall have the right to confidentiality.
- Clients shall be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
- Clients shall have the right to physical care and supervision.
- Clients shall have full protection from harm, neglect, and abuse.
- AHFA shall fully inform clients of services available within the Agency including all hours of operations for individual facilities.
- AHFA shall make all clients aware of other outside emergency resources available, if applicable.
- Clients shall be a participant in decision making regarding the intensity and choice of treatment or service. If the client is a minor, or unable to participate in those decisions, the client’s rights shall be exercised by the client’s legal guardian.
- Clients shall have the right to request a review of their care, treatment and service plan at any time.
- Clients may refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and be informed of the consequences of such a refusal. The client accepts responsibility for his or her actions should he or she refuse services or not follow the treatment plan agreed upon.
- Clients may be subject to termination of services, if necessary, based off the specific programmatic requirements set forth in the contract under which the services are being provided.
- Clients shall approve or refuse the release of records to any individual outside the agency, except as required by law.
- Clients shall be provided with a copy of AHFA’s grievance procedure at initial contact with AHFA which outlines how to file a grievance with the proper individuals.
- Clients may express any complaints/suggestions with the appropriate director at any time without interference or retaliation.
- Clients may express and/or file grievances/complaints with the appropriate public authority or regulatory body, at any time, without interference or retaliation.
Approved by Board of Directors on 9/26/19